Database Design
: Conceptual and Physical Models Practice Activities
- Explain the importance of clearly communicating and accuratelycapturing information requirements
- Distinguish between a conceptual model and its physical implementation
- List five reasons for building a conceptual data model
- Give examples of conceptual models and physical models
Identify the vocabulary word for each definition
Physical Model
A design for an object (a car, a house, a database, etc.) which
includes implementation details such as size, volume, weight, etc.
Conceptual Model
A data model, usually represented by an
entity-relationship diagram.
A collection of facts from
which conclusions may be drawn.
Data modelling
The process of capturing the important
concepts and rules that shape a business and depicting them visually on a
con- ceptual model
Try It / Solve It
1. You will be working in pairs
for this activity.
One student describes his/her “dream house” while the other student
attempts to draw it.
You can discuss specific details,
but the student describing the house is not allowed to see what is being drawn
until after time is called.
After sharing your drawing, describe the importance of accurately
describing infor- mation requirements.
tercapainya suatu tujuan, data yang akurat sangat dibutuhkan agar mendapatkan
deskripsi informasi yang baik.
2. Review the scenario below.
Identify the conceptual model and the physical model from the scenario.
Zoe was about to go into a store
to purchase drinks for the birthday party scheduled for that evening. Zoe knows
that she needs drinks for 48 people and is expecting the store mto accept a
check for payment and to provide her with some assistance carrying the product
to her car. Zoe wants to have carbonated drinks, non-carbonated drinks, and
sugar free drinks. She is expecting to purchase eight six-packs. Zoe enters the
store and discovers the entire drink distribution system is automated. She also
discovers that the drinks come in varying package sizes and that she must
choose the correct vend- ing option for the products to be disbursed. Drinks
are packaged in four-packs, six- packs, and ten-packs.
Jawaban :
Conceptual Model
Zoe hendak pergi ke toko untuk membeli minuman untuk pesta ulang
tahun yang dijadwalkan malam ini.. Zoe tahu bahwa
dia perlu minuman untuk 48 orang dan mengharapkan mto toko menerima cek untuk
pembayaran dan untuk memberikan dia dengan beberapa bantuan yang membawa produk
ke mobilnya . Zoe ingin memiliki minuman berkarbonasi , minuman non - karbonasi
, dan minuman bebas gula . Dia mengharapkan untuk membeli delapan enam paket .
Physical Model :
Zoe memasuki
toko dan menemukan seluruh sistem distribusi minuman otomatis . Dia juga
menemukan bahwa minuman datang dalam berbagai ukuran kemasan dan bahwa ia harus
memilih vend- benar ing pilihan bagi produk yang akan dicairkan . Minuman yang
dikemas dalam empat paket , paket enam , dan sepuluh bungkus .
3. Provide five reasons for
creating a conceptual data model.
Jawaban :
1. Dapat
mendeskripsikan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam bisnis secara tepat.
2. Membantu memfasilitasi
dalam forum diskusi.
3. Dapat mencegah
kekeliruan dan kesalahpahaman.
4. Agar desain
physical database memiliki dasar yang kuat.
5. Bentuk penting
untuk dokumentasi system yang ideal
4. List two examples of
conceptual models and physical models.
Models :
Andi menggambar
sebuah mobil.
Sekitar 20%
masyarakat di Jakarta menderita DBD.
Physical Models
Andi mengendarai
sebuah mobil.
Seorang warga
Jakarta bernama Robin menderita DBD.
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